The Gardner Institute provides processes with proven results. Our data-driven approaches and thought leadership have provided over 500 institutions with support to improve higher education for over 4,000,000 students from all backgrounds.


The Gardner Institute has worked with faculty, staff, educators, and philanthropic organizations to provide processes to improve learning, retention, and completion which have resulted in the following outcomes.

Return on Investment

Our participants have increased revenue due to increased retention.


Graduation Rate Increase

Graduation rates for institutions involved in the Gardner Institute’s first-year redesign process all increased significantly:

Retention Rate Increase

Change in First-to-Second Year IPEDS Retention Rates


Course Redesign Results

What outcomes do Institutions report as a result of their participation?

Institutions completing the three year process see a decrease in the DFWI rates as compared to sections of the same courses that have not been redesigned. Some institutions are also reporting very good outcomes associated with closing gaps in attainment between students from historically marginalized backgrounds and other students in the gateway courses.

Higher retention rates

Lower rates of academic probation

Higher levels of resiliency

Higher course passing rates

Higher grade point averages

Better exam scores

Results from Eastern Michigan University are highlighted to the right. The full report can be downloaded here.


Aggregate DFWI Rates During the 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19 Academic Years

Disaggregated DFWI Rates


Who We Serve

We work with any institution committed to improving outcomes for all students. Our participants have included public and private, universities, and community colleges.

Our work has impacted the education of over 4 million students from diverse backgrounds.


From our participants:

Curricular Redesign


Gateway Course Redesign

Leadership Development


Retention Redesign


Our Participants